Monday, December 15, 2014

Xbox 360 Slim (Trinity) RGH2 CR4 XL install

Glitch times are awesome and super stable with this chip, it boots on the first pulse 9/10 no major tweaking just #3 set to ON in dip switch :)

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Xecuter R-jtag

Multiple consoles lined up for R-jtagin weekend.  fun fun :D

Thursday, July 10, 2014

360 Jasper board broken trace repair.

 I didn't have any smaller guage wire so its a bit more sloppy than I like, but But it works and that's what matters hehe :D

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Reflow profile.

This is the profile i use for the older xbox 360 xenon board (non hdmi) model.

there are 3 heating stages, this is important as it prevents thermal shock and delaminating "pop corn" to the board and the SMD package being reworked.

Preheating stage.
Soaking stage.
Reflow peak stage.
Xenon board.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

360 nand dump.

dumping the nand flash on a pre-nxe xbox 360 console using the xecuter "nand x" spi/usb flasher.

my new tech bench, and some new gear :)

the machine on the bench is a Jovy-Systems RE-8500 BGA/SMD rework station